3-Day Bible Reading Plan: Confession Surfaces Our Sins and Prayer Removes Them

“There were a few times where I pretended so well that I convinced myself that I had done nothing wrong. My acting became my belief. And in those moments, it was like I was fragmenting myself. I was lying so hard that I no longer felt the sting of guilt. I was a stranger to myself. And looking back, my ability to do that, to convince myself that I did nothing wrong when I knew I had, is deeply scary. It might be one of the most terrifying skills I managed to learn growing up. And it’s a skill I wish I had never learned to begin with.” - Pastor Jacob Hawley, 9/1/24

Day 1

  • Featured Verse: James 5:16 - “The Prayer of a Righteous Person Has Great Power”

  • Cross References:

    • Psalm 109:4 - “I Give Myself to Prayer”

      • What does it mean to give yourself to prayer? How would this look in your life?

    • Psalm 91:14-15 - “He Holds Fast to Me in Love…When He Calls to Me I Will Answer Him”

      • It is not merely prayer that receives God’s answers, but prayer offered in love. Love is the fervency that calls answers from heaven. When was the last time your prayers were fervent, holding fast to God in love?

    • Job 42:10 - “The LORD Restored the Fortunes of Job When He Had Prayed for His Friends”

      • God uses prayer in many ways, not only for our friends, but for ourselves. Consider: Like Job, the one who has nothing to give can give prayer, and the one who gives prayer in their poverty truly loves those for whom he prays. Follow Job’s example and God will restore your fortunes as well.

“Prayer must be aflame. Its ardor must consume. Prayer without fervor is as a sun without light or heat, or as a flower without beauty or fragrance. A soul devoted to God is a fervent soul, and prayer is the creature of that flame. He only can truly pray who is all aglow for holiness, for God, and for heaven.” - E.M. Bounds

“Prayer is the mightiest weapon God has placed in our hands.” - J.C. Ryle

Day 2

  • Featured Verse: James 4:8 - “Draw Near to God and He Will Draw Near to You”

  • Cross References:

    • 2 Chronicles 15:2 - “The LORD is With You While You are With Him”

      • This passage goes on to say if we seek Him, He will be found, but if we forsake Him, He will forsake us. It is imperative that we keep ourselves close with God that He will be close to us. How might you get closer to God?

    • Zechariah 1:3 - “Return to Me…and I Will Return to You”

      • If you are far from God, all hope is not lost. The answer is simple: return. If you return to Him, He shall return to you. What steps can you take today to draw you closer to Christ?

    • Jeremiah 29:13 - “You Will Seek Me and Find Me, When You Seek With All Your Heart”

      • God promises to be found by the seeker, but not just the casual seeker, rather the one who seeks Him with all of his heart. Consider: There is a prerequisite when it comes to answered prayers, finding God, and drawing near to God, and that is love. If one does not truly love God, they do not abide in Him (John 15:9-11).

“O child of God, be more careful to keep the way of the Lord, more concentrated in heart in seeking His glory, and you will see the loving-kindness and the tender mercy of the Lord in your life.” - Charles Spurgeon

“Some people think God does not like to be troubled with our constant coming and asking. The way to trouble God is not to come at all.” - D.L. Moody

Day 3

  • Featured Verse: Mark 6:13 - “They…Anointed With Oil Many Who Were Sick”

  • Cross References:

    • Psalm 23:5 - “You Anoint My Head With Oil”

      • Anointing was a type of refreshing, to make one appear healthy and hearty, kind of like washing one’s face. Naomi bid Ruth to wash and “anoint herself” before speaking with Boaz (Ruth 3:3). Here, we see God anointing the Psalmist’s head in the presence of his enemies. How might this heavenly anointing refresh him?

    • Psalm 45:7 - “God Has Anointed You With the Oil of Gladness”

      • Again, God anoints the Psalmist, and this time with the oil of gladness above his companions. Why do you think God anoints some believers “above their companions”?

    • Isaiah 61:1 - “The LORD Has Anointed Me”

      • When God anoints, there is a job to do. He has ordained specific work for each one of us. Keeping that in mind, what work has God anointed and appointed you to do for His Kingdom? If you don’t know, how might you find out?

“Never try to live on the old manna, nor seek to find help in Egypt. All must come from Jesus or thou art undone forever. Old anointings will not suffice to impart unction to thy spirit; thine head must have fresh oil poured upon it from the golden horn of the sanctuary, or it will cease from its glory.” - Charles Spurgeon

“What the Church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use, men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men, men of prayer.” - E.M Bounds


Seven Rhythms: Freedom from Strongholds (James 5:16)


Seven Rhythms: Serving (1 Peter 4:7-11)