everybody needs community.
The world is a big place where it’s easy to get lost. Attending a weekend gathering is just the first step in belonging to a community. Join one of our small groups and discover how easy it is to shrink the world down to something more friendly and personal.

Life is better together.
God created us to live in relationship with others and only then can we live the full life He intends for us.
Welcome to the 10 week journey!
Our Sonrise Discipleship Journey powered by ROOTED, is a transformational journey that provides the opportunity to connect with God, the Church community and your purpose in unexpected and life-changing ways. This 10-week journey is one of the most transformational life experiences we have at Sonrise.
Whether you have been following Jesus for years, or are new to the faith, this is the perfect place to jump in! The journey will best benefit you as you make the commitment to attend all 10 meetings with a new community. If you can’t make at least 8 of 10 meetings, please wait until a later term. These groups are offered three times a year; winter, spring and fall.
All groups will start with a Vision Night at Sonrise and continue on the following weeks at your groups determined location and time. You'll receive your materials, hear from Pastor Paul, and spend some time in your group that night!
Join us for a variety of topics dealing with Life Recovery
We all have to learn how to deal with the stressors, trauma and drama of life by learning productive coping mechanisms and skills. Our current list of groups below are co-ed unless stated differently. On Thursday night Coffee is served and childcare is available on site | Enter through the North doors of Sonrise (Door D).
Men’s AA
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7pm, contact Kevin Maller at mallerpaintco@gmail.com or Eric@recoveryworksnw.com.
Women’s AA
Alcoholics Anonymous, Tuesday at 7pm, contact Melissa at berg22nel@yahoo.com.
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. Contact Heather Brown at mercy@isonrise.com
DDA- Dual Diagnosis Anonymous
(ddainc.org) Mental Illness & Substance Abuse 12 steps - 6pm, contact Brenda at (503)847-1811
423 Communities
For men who have tried and failed to achieve sexual purity. You are not alone. We meet weekly for mutual support, accountability and to honestly confess our utter dependence on Jesus Christ. You can share your story in a safe, confidential and anonymous environment with others who have achieved victory they never dreamed possible. We are radically committed to helping others overcome sex addiction and to stopping the spread of pornography in our families, churches, and cities around the world. There is hope. Contact: info@423communities.org.