3-Day Bible Reading Plan: Devotions Over Disneyland

“Disneyland is great. If you are planning a trip, I would love to help you, especially if you would like to take me as your travel guide. Showing our kids and the next generation around us the importance of having a rich personal relationship with God will have a more lasting and significant impact on their lives.” - Pastor Paul Crandell, 5/12/24

Day 1

  • Cross References:

  • Reflection:

    • There are several accounts in Scripture of barren women crying out to God who are then blessed with a child. What lessons can we take away from these accounts?

    • In our cross-reference verses, different women acted differently to the news they would bear a child. Sarah laughed, Elizabeth hid, and Mary submitted. What might these responses tell you about each woman?

    • In Isaiah 54:1-3, God makes a fantastic promise to the “desolate” woman. Her children will be more than the one who is married. What does this mean? Why do you think God makes this promise?

“Hannah had learned self-denial. This is clear, since the very prayer by which she hoped to escape out of her great grief was a self-denying one. She desired a son, that her reproach might be removed; but if her eyes might be blessed with such a sight, she would cheerfully resign her darling to be the Lord’s as long as he lived.” - Charles Spurgeon

Day 2

  • Cross References:

  • Reflection:

    • It is a beautiful thing to be remembered by the Lord. Even the thief on the cross asked it (Luke 23:42). It is a humble request which appeals to the Lord’s will. “Please remember me.” How has the Lord remembered you in your life?

    • Remembrance is a glory. Christ Himself declared Mary of Bethany would be remembered wherever His gospel was preached. Remembering keeps love alive, gives us an example to live by, and allows new generations to praise God for His faithfulness. How might you be remembered for your faithfulness to God?

“He who counts the stars and calls them by their names is in no danger of forgetting His own children.” - Charles Spurgeon

Day 3

  • Cross References:

  • Reflection:

    • Through Ruth’s faithfulness, Naomi was not left without a redeemer. How might you be as Christ to another through your own faithfulness?

    • Through Rahab’s kindness, the Israelites promised her life, and the life of her entire family, would be spared. All she needed to do was place a scarlet thread in the window. What God promises, He fulfills. How might you “remind” God of some of His promises for you?

    • After God Himself dealt with Nabal, David remembered Abigail in a most spectacular way. He did not leave her behind, but deeply blessed her, because he recognized she had been God’s blessing to him. How might blessing others bring them to deeply bless you?

“If the doctrine of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and his substitutionary atonement be indeed your hope, avow it; avow it boldly, and let there be no mistake about it in these evil times; tie the scarlet line in your window and if nobody else will see it, your brethren will mark it, and be encouraged. If nobody else will be pleased with it, your God will smile upon you, and you will be a sweet savor unto him.” - Charles Spurgeon


Seven Rhythms: Generosity (1 Samuel 1:9-28)


Seven Rhythms: Generosity (Leviticus 23:22 & 25:18-22)