3-Day Bible Reading Plan: “Faith Clings to the Ears, Not the Eyes”

When it comes to being a disciple of Jesus, there’s a great deal of emotion involved. Many of the stories we read in the Gospels, many of the things we are called to do in the World, many of the things we have to endure, will send jolts of emotion through us. We might feel disgust when we are called to forgive the person who hurt us most in life. We might feel fear or embarrassment when we are told to preach the gospel to all creation. We might feel comfort when we see a prayer answered. We might feel wonder when we understand something new about God. We might feel excitement when we see someone else come to faith. Our walk with Jesus can be like a magnet for drawing out our emotions. - Pastor Jacob Hawley, 12/29/24

Day 1

  • Cross References:

    • 2 Samuel 7:12-16 - “I Will Establish the Throne of His Kingdom Forever”

      • How does this covenant, with its emphasis on lineage and earthly kingship, relate to the broader themes of God's covenant with Abraham and the ultimate fulfillment of these promises in Jesus Christ?

    • Psalm 89:3-4 - “I Have Sworn to David My Servant: ‘I Will Establish Your Offspring Forever”

      • Why do you think God gave such a spectacular promise to King David?

    • John 12:34 - “We Have Heard From the Law That the Christ Remains Forever”

      • The people were confused when Christ said He must be lifted up because they understood Messiah was to rule forever. How did God’s plan differ from their expectations?

“The Lord is able to make strong faith exist with little knowledge, little present enjoyment, and little encouragement; and strong faith in such conditions triumphs and conquers, and doubly glorifies the grace of God. Such was this Canaanite woman, a cedar growing where soil was scant enough. She was a woman of amazing faith.” - Charles Spurgeon

Day 2

  • Featured Verse: Matthew 15:25-26 - “It is Not Right to Take the Children’s Bread and Throw It To the Dogs”

  • Cross References:

    • Matthew 7:6 - “Do Not Give Dogs What Is Holy, and Do Not Throw Your Pearls Before Pigs”

      • What can we more fully understand about the term “dogs” from this context in Christ’s Sermon on the Mount?

    • Psalm 22:16 - “For Dogs Encompass Me; A Company of Evildoers Encircles Me”

      • Psalm 22 is a prophetic psalm looking ahead to Christ’s crucifixion. With the backdrop of the cross in mind, who are the “dogs,” and why are they synonymous with “evildoers”?

    • Philippians 3:2 - “Look Out For the Dogs, Look Out For the Evildoers”

      • The Apostle Paul also uses the “dogs” analogy, comparing them with evildoers as well. This verbiage gives a picture of a pack of rabid dogs that will tear you apart. Considering all these references to “dogs” in Scripture, how are we, as believers, to navigate an encounter with an “evildoer”?

“She did not expect to win the boon she sought for on account of any merit of her own; she depended upon the goodness of Christ’s heart, not on the goodness of her cause, and upon the excellence of his power rather than upon the prevalence of her plea; yet conscious as she was that she was only a poor gentile dog, her prayers were not hindered; she cried notwithstanding all, ‘Lord, help me.’” - Charles Spurgeon

Day 3

  • Featured Verse: Matthew 15:27-28 - “O Woman, Great is Your Faith! Be It Done For You As You Desire”

  • Cross References:

    • Matthew 8:13 - “Go; Let It Be Done For You As You Have Believed”

      • There were times when Christ allowed a person’s full request to be granted “as you have believed.” Why do you think He was so gracious and generous to these?

    • Matthew 9:29 - “According To Your Faith Be It Done To You”

      • If our prayers are answered according to our faith, how might we increase our faith to increase our blessings?

    • Luke 7:50 - “Your Faith Has Saved You; Go In Peace”

      • What does this statement reveal about the nature of faith and the scope of Jesus's forgiveness?

“Our Lord, when he gave her the desire of her heart, gave it in a grand manner; he gave her a sort of carte blanche, and said, ‘Be it unto thee even as thou wilt.’ I do not know that any other person ever had such a word said to him as this woman…It was as if the Lord of glory surrendered at discretion to the conquering arms of a woman’s faith.” - Charles Spurgeon


Faith Clings to the Ears, Not the Eyes (Matthew 15:21-28)


War of the Star Pt. 4 (The Fulfillment): Matthew 2