3-Day Bible Reading Plan - “God is an Odd Accountant”

“Have you ever gotten financial advice that you didn’t like? I have. My grandpa used to give me advice that I didn’t like at first. He was almost always right, but I still didn’t like it. I am going to share a piece of his financial advice that you too may not like. Now, I should give you some context to my grandfather, who passed away last year at the age of 96. He grew up during the Great Depression, fought in World War II, and went to night school to pursue a better career for his family. He was a disciplined man, who was a vicious learner, and a true delight to be around. When it came to buying cars my grandpa had an odd outlook. He thought you should only buy what you can afford. How revolutionary!” - Pastor Paul Crandell, 5/5/24

Day 1

  • Featured Verse: Leviticus 23:22 - Leave Your Gleanings For the Poor and the Sojourner

  • Cross References:

  • Reflection:

    • Gleanings were meant to be blessings to feed those who could not feed themselves, like crumbs falling from the Master’s table (Matt. 15:27). Consider Ruth, and how she was both a widow and a foreigner. She was exactly the kind of person the Lord had in mind when He gave the command in Leviticus. How did God use His command, and Boaz’s radical obedience to it (Ruth 3:15-17), to rain blessing after blessing upon Ruth’s life?

    • If God hadn’t made it a command to be generous, likely the poor and sojourners would have had nothing at all. Though the widow of Mark 12:43-44 was poor, she did not hold back all she had. Why is it that the rich among us are sometimes misers, while the poor can be amazingly generous with what they barely scrape together?

    • God’s command to leave behind the gleanings was meant to teach His children compassion and mercy for the less fortunate. Take a moment to reflect that loving your neighbor as yourself is a beautiful and vibrant reality of the abundant life promised by our Lord.

“Ruth had no right to go among the sheaves to glean, but Boaz gave her a right to go there by saying, “Let her do it.” For her to be allowed to go amongst the sheaves, in that part of the field where the wheat was not already carted, was a special favor; but to go among the sheaves, and to have handfuls of corn dropped on purpose for her, was a further proof of the kindness of Boaz.” - Charles Spurgeon

Day 2

  • Featured Verse: Deuteronomy 24:19 - If You Forget a Sheaf in the Field, You Shall Not Go Back to Get It

  • Cross References:

    • Psalm 68:5 - Father to the Fatherless and Protector of Widows

  • Reflection:

    • Why is so much emphasis given in Scripture to take care of the widows and orphans? What does this tell you about the character of God?

    • Why does caring for widows and orphans mean your religion is “pure and undefiled”? How have you cared for such as these in your own faith journey?

    • In John 14, Christ promises He will not leave His disciples as orphans, that He will come to them. How might this comfort you if you find yourself alone in the world?

“If I, a poor man, simply by prayer and faith, obtained without asking any individual the means for establishing and carrying on an Orphan-House then this would provide visible proof that God is FAITHFUL STILL and HEARS PRAYERS STILL.” - George Müller

Day 3

  • Featured Verse: Leviticus 25:18-22 - Do My Statutes and Keep My Rules and You Will Dwell in the Land Securely

  • Cross References:

    • John 14:23 - If Anyone Loves Me, He Will Keep My Word

  • Reflection:

    • It’s so tempting to take the easy way and do as the world does. Yet Peter stood before the council in Acts 5 and declared they must obey God rather than men. How has your obedience to God defied the world’s demands?

    • Obedience to God’s commands is not the only thing necessary for God to fulfill His promises. Notice Deuteronomy 11:13-14 says, “love the LORD your God, and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul.” We cannot simply be legalists and obey His commands only, we must do so with delight, awe, and adoration. How have you obeyed God in this way?

    • In John 14, Christ ties love for Him with obedience, and not only that, but proclaims God will make His home with the one who truly loves and obeys Him! That is a fantastic promise. The Apostle John expounds more fully on this theme of obedience and love for God in his epistle of 1 John, with verses such as 1 John 2:4. Obedience to the Scriptures and a true abiding love is the litmus test for all authentic believers. How do these two graces shine in your life?

“It is not having knowledge that will evidence you to be believers; the devil has knowledge, but lacks obedience—and that makes him a devil.” - Thomas Watson


Seven Rhythms: Generosity (Leviticus 23:22 & 25:18-22)


3-Day Bible Reading Plan: Wise People Worship