3-Day Bible Reading Plan “Purity Over Politicians or Policies”

We used the term “exile” because this is how the people of God are described in the Scriptures. The author of Hebrews described the Old Testament saints as “exiles.” Peter called the church “exiles” in his first letter in the New Testament. In both cases, the authors were trying to communicate how God’s followers should view themselves in this world. We are exiles; there is something alien about us. We live on this earth, but our homeland is not of this earth. We await the New Heavens and Earth, where we will dwell with God forever. Our citizenship and identity are wrapped up in our future home, not our present home. - Pastor Paul Crandell, 9/29/24

Day 1

  • Featured Verse: Jeremiah 2:2-3 - “I Remember the Devotion of Your Youth”

  • Cross References:

    • John 14:21 - “Whoever Has My Commandments and Keeps Them, He it is Who Loves Me”

      • Only the person who loves Christ keeps His commandments. If someone has turned away from Him, what does that tell us about the state of their heart?

    • Revelation 2:4 - “You Have Abandoned the Love You Had at First”

      • Christ has many amazing things to say about the church of Ephesus, yet He rebukes them for abandoning the love they had at first. Remember back to that passion when you first came to Christ. Is your love for Him today hotter or cooler? How might you return to that first, fervent love?

    • 1 Corinthians 16:22 - “If Anyone Has No Love for the Lord, Let Him Be Accursed”

      • The Apostle Paul pulls no punches here. It can be agonizing when a friend or loved one doesn’t believe, yet Paul says, “Let him be accursed.” In other words, let God’s will be done. Consider: Sometimes, for the sake of the peace to which you have been called (Colossians 3:15), it is better to give these over to God.

“God remembered what Israel used to be in those good days when the Lord alone did lead them and there was no strange god among them. Now he bids them remember from whence they had fallen, and repent and do their first works lest he come unto them in wrath. Oh, beloved, if you ever lived near to God—if you ever rested your head on Christ’s bosom, and have now wandered away from him and are spiritually cold and dead, begin to chide yourself; for the Lord himself, in the word before us, doth chide you. He calls you to a sorrowful remembrance of the position from which you have descended—the heights of grace from which you have come down. Breathe the prayer that he would restore you again. ‘Wilt thou not revive us again, that thy people may rejoice in thee.’” - Charles Spurgeon

Day 2

  • Featured Verse: Jeremiah 2:4-8 - “What Wrong Did Your Fathers Find in Me?”

  • Cross References:

    • Isaiah 5:4 - “What More Was There to Do for My Vineyard?”

      • In Christ, God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3). He gave all of Himself and all of His riches to His people. Why do some still find fault with Him?

    • Micah 6:3 - “What Have I Done to You? How Have I Wearied You?”

      • Imagine the hardness of heart it takes to be wearied of perfection. It is the height of entitlement to turn away from God’s gifts of grace, much less God Himself. What is it about a hard heart that refuses to come to Him?

    • 2 Kings 17:15 - “They Went After False Idols and Became False”

      • The text says they despised God’s statutes and went after false gods. Why do you think they hated God’s Word? Why did they chase after false gods? Why is this still the pattern today?

“Do you not see yourselves here, O backsliders? If you ever knew the Lord and have gone back to the world, if you have submitted yourselves again to the powers thereof, and sinned with a high hand, have you not acted most shamefully towards your God? And ought you not, with a blushing countenance and weeping eyes to return to him and ask mercy at his hands?” - Charles Spurgeon

Day 3

  • Featured Verse: Jeremiah 2:9-13 - “They Have Forsaken Me, the Fountain of Living Waters”

  • Cross References:

    • Jeremiah 17:13 - “All Who Forsake You Shall Be Put to Shame”

      • What does it mean to “forsake the Lord” in the context of this passage, and what are the consequences of such a choice?

    • Psalm 36:9 - “With You is the Fountain of Life”

      • Jeremiah calls God the Fountain of Living Waters while King David calls God the Fountain of Life. Why do you think God uses water metaphors for Himself? Why is He a “fountain” rather than a pool?

    • John 4:10 - “If You Knew the Gift of God...You Would Have Asked Him, and He Would Have Given You Living Water”

      • Christ’s words to the woman at the well tell us a few things about living water. First, it is the gift of God. Second, we must ask Him for it. Those who thirst for righteousness shall be deeply satisfied, but those who turn away shall die of thirst. What are some ways you might seek God’s fountain of living water?

“No other nation gave up its gods. Though they were no gods, but mere images of clay or gold, they would not change them. They stuck to their idolatries with wonderful pertinacity; but God’s people gave up the true God to worship the demons of the nations round about. And is it not an unhappy thing that there are now some who at least call themselves God’s people who go back to the world and seem to be more in love with it than ever they were?” - Charles Spurgeon


The Politics of Exiles: Purity over politicians or policies - Jeremiah 2:2-13


Seven Rhythms: Freedom From Strongholds - 1 John 5:13-21