3 Day Bible Reading Plan - “Steps of Surrender: Servant to Slave”

It’s amazing to realize that I’ve been at Sonrise for thirty years. I came here when I was twenty-nine—so I’ve spent more than half my life here! When you’re a child you can never imagine how your life will turn out, but I can say, looking back—I’ve been incredibly blessed! I have been blessed to spend these years with you! - Pastor James Gleason, 6/30/24

Day 1

  • Featured Verse: Mark 10:42-45 (NLT) - “The Son of Man Came Not to Be Served But to Serve”

  • Cross References:

    • Matthew 19:30 - “Many Who are First Will Be Last, and the Last First”

    • Luke 13:30 - “Some are Last Who Will Be First, and Some are First Who Will Be Last.”

    • Luke 22:24-27 - “Which of Them Was To Be Regarded as the Greatest”

  • Reflection:

    • Christ’s kingdom seems upside down when compared to how the world views greatness. Why do you think Jesus highly prized service and humility?

    • The disciples didn’t understand how a leader should be as one who serves. Why is it important for a leader to be humble by serving others?

    • What does it mean “the last will be first”? Why does God give the highest honor to the last?

“He does not come to be served, but to serve. Does not this suit you, poor Sinner—you who never did serve Him, you who could not, as you are, minister to Him? Well, He did not come to get your service! He came to give you His services, not that you might first do Him honor, but that He might show you mercy! Oh, you need Him so very much! And since He has come not to look for treasures, but to bestow unsearchable riches—not to find specimens of health, but instances of sickness upon which the healing art of His Grace may operate—surely there is hope for you!” - Charles Spurgeon

Day 2

  • Featured Verse: Philippians 2:3-11 (NLT) - “He Did Not Think of Equality With God as Something to Cling To”

  • Cross References:

    • 2 Peter 2:19 - “They Promise Them Freedom, But They Themselves are Slaves of Corruption”

  • Reflection:

    • Who has humbled themselves deeper than Christ? He willingly became poor that we might become rich. What kind of heart faces poverty to give away riches?

    • The world rebels against God’s Word because they believe themselves to be “free,” yet Scripture says they are slaves. To what are they enslaved?

    • Revelation 5:9 says Christ’s atoning death “ransomed” or “purchased” men for God. Because of this, we belong wholly to Him, heart, soul, mind, and body. When’s the last time you called Jesus “Master”?

“The least selfish one is the King of this kingdom.” - Charles Spurgeon

Day 3

  • Cross References:

    • Romans 8:15 - “You Did Not Receive the Spirit of Slavery”

  • Reflection:

    • In Romans 6, Paul contrasts slavery of sin with slavery of righteousness. Even though he says we are “slaves of righteousness,” yet he uses this curious wording, “being set free from sin.” How can we be both slaves yet free at the same time?

    • True freedom is found in being slaves to another kingdom, the kingdom of Christ. How can slavery of righteousness be a wonderful thing?

    • If slavery to Christ is true freedom, why is it often offensive to us?

“We are now in the possession of righteousness and under its rule. A righteous God has made us die to sin: a righteous God has redeemed us: a new and righteous life has been infused into us, and now righteousness rules and reigns in us. We do not belong to ourselves, but we yield ourselves up entirely to the Redeemer’s sway through His Spirit, and the more completely He rules us the better. The text says we are enslaved to righteousness, and so we wish to be. We wish we were so enslaved that we could not even will a wrong thing nor wish an evil thing. We desire to give ourselves up wholly and absolutely to the divine sway, so that the right, and the true, and the good may hold us in perpetual bonds.” - Charles Spurgeon


Steps to Surrender


Honest Questions: Why Didn’t God Stop My Suffering?