3 Day Bible Reading Plan - “There is a Mess, and God is Cleaning it Up”

Why didn’t God stop my suffering? This is a question I have asked myself many times throughout my life. I am sure many of you have done the same thing. This question expresses the tension or contradiction we sense between the love of God and the suffering of humanity. How could a loving and powerful God allow so much suffering? The answer we will explore today will not completely resolve the tension we feel between God’s love and human suffering. Still, I do believe it will show that these two things are not a logical contradiction, and it will give us comfort and hope when we experience suffering. - Pastor Paul Crandell, 6/23/24

Day 1 - Redemption

  • Featured Verse: Genesis 3:6 - “She Took of Its Fruit and Ate”

  • Cross References:

    • Romans 5:14-15 - “Death Reigned…But the Free Gift is Not Like the Trespass”

  • Reflection:

    • Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden, ultimately cursing the entire human race as our first parents, yet Eve was deceived into sin. Would Adam and Eve have sinned without the serpent’s deception? Why or why not?

    • Consider: While Eve sinned first, God holds Adam accountable for the Fall. Why? Scripture says Adam was not deceived, but the woman (1 Timothy 2:13-14), so his sin was greater than Eve’s. There is grace for the ignorant sinner, yet God is not so merciful for those who sin with full knowledge.

    • How is the “free gift” of God in Christ not like “the trespass” of Adam? (Romans 5:14-15)

“He tells the dragon that he will undertake to deal with him; this quarrel shall not be between the serpent and man, but between God and the serpent. God saith, in solemn words, “I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed,” and he promises that there shall rise in fullness of time a champion, who, though he suffer, shall smite in a vital part the power of evil, and bruise the serpent’s head.” - Charles Spurgeon

Day 2 - Suffering

  • Cross References:

    • Psalm 72:12 - “He Delivers the Needy…the Poor, and Him Who Has No Helper”

    • Psalm 51:17 - “A Broken and Contrite Heart God Will Not Despise”

  • Reflection:

    • God deeply understands our suffering. Christ Himself is called the “Suffering Servant” (Isaiah 53). Since Christ also suffered in His heart, body, and spirit, how can this knowledge give you comfort in your time of suffering?

    • God’s Word testifies over and over again that He has made Himself the advocate for the widow, the orphan, the sojourner, the poor, the needy, and the weary. How might your suffering bring you closer to Jesus?

    • Psalm 51:17 says, “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit.” Why do you think God says these painful sacrifices are His over our wealth or good gifts?

“Affliction is one of God’s medicines. By it He often teaches lessons which would be learned in no other way. By it He often draws souls away from sin and the world, which would otherwise have perished everlastingly…Prosperity and worldly comfort are what all naturally desire; but losses and crosses are far better for us, if they lead us to Christ.” - J.C. Ryle

Day 3 - Future Glory

  • Featured Verse: Revelation 21:1-4 - “He Will Wipe Away Every Tear from Their Eyes”

  • Cross References:

    • Isaiah 65:17 - “The Former Things Shall Not Be Remembered or Come to Mind”

    • Revelation 22:2 - “On Either Side of the River, was There the Tree of Life”

  • Reflection:

    • How can knowing that God will one day wipe away every tear help you bear your tears today?

    • How might the imminence of Christ’s return help us to better bear our sorrows?

    • Revelation 22:2 mentions the Tree of Life is now planted in Heaven. The redemption of humanity has come full circle with the added bonus of being united in Christ. With our eyes on eternal victory, what could possibly overcome us?

“Let this encourage those of you who belong to Christ: the storm may be tempestuous, but it is only temporary. The clouds that are temporarily rolling over your head will pass, and then you will have fair weather, an eternal sunshine of glory. Can you not watch with Christ for one hour?” - William Gurnall


Honest Questions: Why Didn’t God Stop My Suffering?


Honest Questions: Why Didn’t God Answer My Prayers?