3 Day Bible Reading Plan - “Why Are Other Religions Condemned?”

In our passage today, we will see that Jesus made an exclusive declaration and an inclusive invitation. He called everyone to come to Him. The path to God is open to everyone, but there is only one path. Jesus' call does not discriminate but leads to denying all other paths. - Pastor Paul Crandell, 7/7/24

Day 1

  • Featured Verse: Matthew 11:25-27 - “You Have Hidden These Things From the Wise”

  • Cross References:

    • Mark 10:15 - “Receive the Kingdom of God Like a Child”

    • Psalm 119:130 - “Your Word…Imparts Understanding to the Simple”

  • Reflection:

    • Why does God “hide Himself from the wise” yet “reveal Himself to little children”?

    • What is it about children—and receiving His kingdom as such—that gains the favor of God?

    • It is not so much that God resists the wise for being wise or hides things from them because they know too much, but rather that He chooses what is foolish to shame them (1 Corinthians 1:27). Why would God do that?

“A man’s brains have as little to do with his acceptance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a man’s eyes have to do with his capacity of hearing a voice. Therefore, seeing that the wise and prudent, and the cultured, and the clever, and the men of genius are always the minority of the race, let us vulgar folk, that are neither wise, nor clever, nor cultured, nor geniuses, be thankful that that has nothing to do with our power of knowing and possessing the best wisdom and the highest treasures…in the love of Jesus Christ.” - Alexander Maclaren

Day 2

  • Cross References:

    • Psalm 81:11-12 - “Israel Would Not Submit to Me, So I Gave Them Over”

    • Romans 1:21-24 - “Claiming to Be Wise, They Became Fools…Therefore God Gave Them Up”

    • Jeremiah 7:24 - “...Walked in Their Own Counsels and the Stubbornness of Their Evil Hearts”

  • Reflection:

    • God’s kindness is meant to lead us to repentance, but hard hearts only store up wrath (Romans 2:4-5). Being stubborn and stiff-necked toward God is a very dangerous place to be. Why is it better to be ignorant than to be a scoffer?

    • What is ultimately at the bottom of being stubborn, wise in one’s own eyes, and refusing to submit to God? Why is this person “given over” by God?

    • Why did Christ say it shall be “more tolerable” for Sodom and Gomorrah on the Day of Judgment than for Capernaum (Matthew 11:23-24)? What does this suggest about the wrath of God?

“Christ is hated because sin is loved.” - Matthew Henry

Day 3

  • Cross References:

    • John 6:37 - “Whoever Comes to Me I Will Never Cast Out”

    • John 7:37 - “If Anyone Thirsts, Let Him Come to Me and Drink”

    • Romans 10:13 - “Everyone Who Calls On the Name of the Lord Shall Be Saved”

  • Reflection:

    • Christ repeatedly promises that His arms are open for all who come to Him. If the gift of eternal life is available for all who come, why do people reject Him and walk away?

    • According to our featured and cross-reference verses for today, what do those who come to Christ all have in common?

    • Consider: If pride is at the root of unrepentant sin, then humility is the root of true penitence before God. Those who refuse to humble themselves and submit to God… are not likely to repent.

“Humble hearts seek grace, and therefore they get it. Humble hearts yield to the sweet influences of grace, and so it is bestowed on them more and more largely. Humble hearts lie in the valleys where streams of grace are flowing, and hence they drink of them. Humble hearts are grateful for grace and give the Lord the glory of it, and hence it is consistent with His honor to give it to them.” - Charles Spurgeon


Honest Questions: Why Are Other Religions Condemned? (Matthew 11:25-30)


Steps to Surrender