Sonrise Kids: 4 Traditions that Incorporate God into the Christmas Season
By Kara Egbert - Interim Early Childhood Director
Even though Christmas is all about the birth of our Savior, it can be surprisingly hard to incorporate traditions into our celebrations that focus on God. I thought I’d share a few things I’ve done with my kids. I suggest you don’t try to do everything, but instead, pick one or two that can become a special part of your family’s traditions!
Kids like candles and blowing out candles, so this can be an easy sell with kids. You can buy an advent candle holder, go to Dollar Tree and get some candles, or use what you have. The candles aren’t really the point but represent God’s light and the hope, love, peace, and joy He brings us. I found that finding a short advent reading online and maybe incorporating a Christmas song can help even kids with a short attention span enjoy this tradition. Each week, I would let a different kid have a turn blowing out the candle(s) at the end; they love that!
The Names of Jesus Countdown
You can cheaply buy the 25 names of Jesus from Amazon, but you and your kids could also create the ornaments together. Each day in December, you can talk about one of the names of Jesus and what it means and read a corresponding verse. I made something to hang them on my wall, but you could hang them on a tree, tape them to a wall, really anything! The idea is just to take a moment each day to reflect on the gift of Christ. It’s also a fun way for your kids to countdown to Christmas!
On Their Way to Bethlehem
I got this idea from Heart 4 Moms at our church. One of the ladies said she would take a nativity set, put a manger in one spot, and then place Mary and Joseph in another part of the house. Each day leading up to Christmas, she’d move Mary and Jesus closer to the manger until, on Christmas Eve, they ‘arrived.’ Before anyone else woke up on Christmas morning, she’d place baby Jesus in the manger. The tradition would continue even after Christmas, with the wise men moving closer to Jesus until they arrive on 3 Kings Day on January 6. Young kids might especially enjoy seeing the journeys of Mary, Joseph, the wise men, and even the shepherds!
Christmas Morning Special Breakfast
When my children were little, I started a tradition of reading the story of Christmas before opening presents on Christmas morning. We always have cinnamon rolls and chocolate milk and read a board book of the Christmas story. Even though my kids are now much older, we stick with this book… we’re sentimental! Once the kids are old enough to read, they can also participate in reading as we read a page and then pass the book. This tradition doesn’t take long, but it’s a nice way to remember why we’re celebrating Christmas and to put God first that day. This is a tradition that is easier to start when kids are very little, but even if you modify it (for example, after opening stockings or even after opening presents), it’s nice to sit together and talk about why we’re really celebrating Christmas.
Amazon Link
*This is the book we use, but there are many great Christian Christmas books out there!
As I said at the beginning, the idea isn’t to ‘do it all.’ Pick one or two things that work for your family. Maybe it’s from this list, or perhaps you have an idea that would work better for your family! Whatever your family does, I wish you a blessed Christmas where you experience the gifts of God as you celebrate the best gift of all, Jesus.
If you would like to tell me your ideas or just chat, my email is I’d love to hear from you!