Men’s Ministry + March Madness = FUN!!

Deadline to Create Your Bracket: End of Day March 19th


Deadline to Create Your Bracket: End of Day March 19th 〰️

Hello Sonrise Family! 

As we have done the past several years, the Sonrise Men's Ministry is hosting a fun and free NCAA basketball "March Madness" challenge! Everyone is invited to play by creating a maximum of two brackets per person to enter into our own tournament group on the ESPN Tournament Challenge site. The ESPN site will track our brackets throughout the tournament. On April 7th, we will gather to watch the championship game and for a fun night of prizes and food.

Details and link to fill out your brackets are below. March Madness schools will be announced this Sunday.


  • Our Private Group Link: Sonrise Group

  • Password: DunkPaul

  • Each person can enter 2 brackets

  • Brackets can be added starting this Sunday the 16th

  • Championship Game Watch Party April 7th at 5:30pm

We hope you join us for some March Madness fun!

Men's Ministry Team”


3 Day Bible Reading Plan - “Love, Hate, and Prayer”


Flourishing by Following: Retaliation (Matthew 5:38-42)