Part 2: Recasting the 10 Year Vision (Ephesians 2:10)
Today, we look at the second part of our vision: inspiring purpose. We'll explore this in a unique way, through the lens of a life lived in service to God's mission. We’ll hear from someone who embodies this vision—Heather Brown, who recently retired as our Mercy Ministry Director. Heather's journey showcases how God uniquely and intentionally shapes our lives, inviting each of us into His global mission in a specific, personal way. Her story, I believe, will inspire you to see your own life and potential for service with fresh eyes. Her prayer is that you’ll be both inspired and encouraged to live out God’s mission of love in your everyday life.
Let's begin by watching Heather's interview. My interview with Heather was deeply moving and insightful. While we had to condense it significantly for today's service, her story resonated with a profound truth: God's work isn't about replication; it's about creation. Heather’s story, filled with challenges overcome and blessings received, isn't meant to be a blueprint for you to follow, but a testament to the unique way God works in each of our lives. She doesn't want to be seen as a hero, but as a witness—a living example of God’s creative and intentional recruitment. She wants each of you to understand that God has a particular assignment for you, and stepping into that unique role will be the most fulfilling journey you'll ever undertake.
Big Idea: God doesn’t clone; He creates. He’s not a generic Creator using a limited palette. God’s mission isn't a mass-produced product; it’s a breathtaking masterpiece, vibrant with a billion unique colors, a symphony of individual contributions. He doesn't work with a simple set of eight crayons; He has a vast box, each crayon uniquely designed to shade the story exactly as He intends. Let's examine two passages that illuminate this truth.
God Creates
Ephesians 2:10, “10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
The word "workmanship" is significant. It's a rare word for Paul, appearing only once elsewhere in his writings (Romans 1:20), where it refers to God's initial creation. Genesis reveals humanity as the pinnacle of God's creative act. Even the grandeur of mountains, forests, and oceans pales in comparison to the wonder of humanity. Yet, a new creative act occurs when we follow Jesus Christ. God's infinite power and meticulous intentionality are on full display as He transforms us, crafting a unique path for each of us—a path He has envisioned since the foundation of the world.
Notice the juxtaposition in this verse. In verse 9, Paul speaks negatively about works, emphasizing that they're not the means of our salvation. In verse 10, however, he speaks positively, describing good works as the fruit of our salvation—a fruit borne from God's own work in us. These works are a collaboration, not solely our effort or God's alone. God has “prepared them,” and we are to “walk in them.” This single verse beautifully intertwines divine intentionality with human responsibility.
Our response to God's plan shouldn't be laziness, as if our efforts are insignificant, nor impulsiveness, as if there's no plan at all. God's creative work in us—this new creation—gives us a new way to “walk,” contrasting sharply with the sinful “walk” of our previous lives mentioned in verses 1 and 2.
He Doesn’t Clone
John 21:20-23, “20 Peter turned and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them, the one who also had leaned back against him during the supper and had said, “Lord, who is it that is going to betray you?” 21 When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about this man?” 22 Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!” 23 So the saying spread abroad among the brothers that this disciple was not to die; yet Jesus did not say to him that he was not to die, but, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?”
Peter, recently restored after his threefold denial of Jesus, has been entrusted with leadership (“feeding the sheep”), and forewarned of his own martyrdom. His concern for John, the disciple Jesus loved, reveals a lot about his character. Initially, this passage might be read as evidence of unhealthy rivalry. Peter's question about John could be interpreted as stemming from comparison—a common human trap. Perhaps he secretly hoped for a similar fate, a sense of “fairness” in suffering. But I believe a deeper understanding is needed.
The reference to John's actions at the Last Supper (John 13:23-24) highlights his close relationship with both Jesus and Peter. John's physical proximity to Jesus, reclining at His side, and Peter's request for John to mediate his question to Jesus, reveal John's closeness with both of them. Peter has just received weighty news about his own calling and its cost; his concern for his friend, and whether John would suffer similarly, reveals genuine love and empathy.
Even though his question was motivated by love, Jesus redirects Peter's focus. The “you” in
Jesus' response is emphatic in the original Greek. As John's later clarification makes clear, Jesus wasn't predicting John's longevity, rather, He emphasized His sole prerogative in shaping the stories of each of His followers. To fully embrace his own calling, Peter needed to concentrate on his assignment, not John’s.
The Uniqueness of Your Calling
We all have a unique design, a specific way God has crafted us to fit into His grand plan. We mustn't get caught up in mimicking others, trying to be someone we’re not. Heather's story should inspire us to discover our calling, not to imitate hers. God made one Heather, and He made one you. Be like Heather by being yourself, fully embracing the unique story God has written for you.
God doesn't clone; He creates. He has shaped you, your story, and your experiences for a unique purpose within His plan. In God's orchestra, there are no “second chairs”; on His team, there are no “backups.” Every member plays a unique instrument, crafted specifically for their part in the glorious symphony. Every individual is a “starter,” playing a specific position suited to their individual strengths.
Steps to Discover Your Calling
I encourage you to discover your unique calling by reflecting on how God has shaped your story. We often neglect our life stories as potential sources of insight into God’s design for us. While identifying our strengths and passions is important, we must also consider how God’s providence has shaped us. I invite you to undertake a “life map” exercise this week. I found this exercise particularly helpful when discerning my next ministry assignment before I began serving here at Sonrise as your lead pastor.
Follow these three steps:
1. Identify 10 pivotal moments in your life that have significantly impacted you, both positively and negatively.
2. Ask God to show you how He has used these events to shape and mold you.
3. Ask God to reveal how you can best serve Him in light of His work in your life.
May God bless you as you embark on this journey of self-discovery and faithful service to His magnificent plan.