War of the Star: The Wise Men Part 1 - Matthew 2
This message is the first in a series exploring the surprisingly combative language used in Matthew's account of Jesus' birth. The star of Bethlehem wasn't merely a sweet birth announcement; it was a declaration of war, a cosmic signal announcing a kingdom that would overturn earthly power structures and redefine the very meaning of kingship. The birth narrative is full of conflict, aggression, escape, and victory. Political paranoia, foreign influence, and the massacre of the innocent are not often the images in our minds when we think of Christmas. Yet this is precisely what we encounter in Matthew’s Gospel.
Today, we focus on an often-overlooked group: the Wise Men. These mysterious figures are treated as foreign invaders, potential instigators of political rebellion. Yet through their story, we encounter a God who transcends geographical boundaries, cultural differences, and even the limitations of our own understanding, demonstrating His incredible nearness to those who seem exceedingly far away. In a surprising twist, the Wise Men, who appear so far away from God, are some of the first to worship Jesus, and those who seem to be near God prove to be indifferent and even antagonistic toward Him. It is easy to misjudge our true distance from God.
We often feel “distance” during the Christmas season. As kids, we may have felt this distance from Santa Claus, worrying that our letters might be lost or our requests would be overlooked. As adults, we may be aware of this distance when we feel the pressure of finding the perfect gift. You may feel inadequate in anticipating the desires of those you seek to give gifts to. This same anxiety can creep into our relationship with God. We might wonder if our prayers are heard, if our needs are known, and if God is even aware of the complexities and struggles of our lives. Is He hiding? Is He distant? Does He even care?
Big Idea: God is near us when we are far away. The message of Matthew 2 powerfully counters this feeling of distance. It unveils a God who relentlessly pursues those who are open to Him. His nearness is not confined by geographical location or cultural understanding. He shows up to those who are genuinely seeking Him. I hope you will be encouraged to see how God is drawing you and your loved ones closer to Him.
Matthew 2:1-12, “Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” 3 When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; 4 and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. 5 They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet: 6 “ ‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’ ” 7 Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly and ascertained from them what time the star had appeared. 8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may come and worship him.” 9 After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. 11 And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. 12 And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way.
Who Were the Wise Men?
The term "Magi" is loaded with meaning for Matthew’s first-century Jewish readers. This title originally referred to the Persian priestly class, but it later encompassed a broader group, including astrologers and magicians, who held religious and political influence in the ancient Near East. They interpreted dreams and celestial events and used their knowledge to advise kings and shape the story of their dynasties.
This isn't a neutral term; the biblical record doesn't portray these individuals positively. Luke, for instance, uses this term for a false prophet opposed to Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13). Paul said he was a “son of the devil” and full of “deceit.” In the Old Testament, Isaiah cautions against relying on astrologers, highlighting the futility of such practices and the divine judgment they would experience for leading God’s people astray.
Isaiah 47:13-14, “13 You are wearied with your many counsels; let them stand forth and save you, those who divide the heavens, who gaze at the stars, who at the new moons make known what shall come upon you. 14 Behold, they are like stubble; the fire consumes them; they cannot deliver themselves from the power of the flame. No coal for warming oneself is this, no fire to sit before!”
However, God's use of a star to guide the Magi doesn't endorse astrology as a legitimate religious practice. Rather, it showcases God's ability to meet people where they are, to use the tools and understandings available to them to draw them closer. The star the Magi followed could not have been just an astrological phenomenon. Although it may have started as one, the star's movement, “resting over” the house where Jesus was, suggests that it was more than just a “star.” My best guess is that the “star” that rested over the place where Jesus lived was an “angel.” Matthew may be using the language of the Magi, who may not have had “angels” as a religious category. They may have interpreted this guiding celestial light as a star, whereas a Jew would have recognized the same phenomenon as an angelic visit. The “Magi” were professional pagans who performed religious practices that were questionable at best. Yet, God was drawing them to Himself. They seemed far from God, but He was near them. Their profession wasn’t the only indicator of their distance from God; their geographical location was also a factor.
Where Did They Come From?
The gifts of the Magi—gold, frankincense, and myrrh—are associated with the Arabian region east and southeast of Jerusalem, which would have been accessible to the priests from Babylon and Persia via trade routes. According to verse 16, we can infer their journey had taken them over a year, which would match their home being as far east as Babylonia. Their curiosity about the birth of the "King of the Jews," coupled with their ignorance of the biblical prophecy pinpointing Bethlehem as his birthplace, highlights a particular awareness of Judaism without a complete understanding of its Scriptures. This suggests a region with a history intertwined with Judaism, possibly hinting at places like Babylon, where Jewish exiles had resided for seventy years, centuries before Jesus’ birth.
Symbolically, "the East" held a powerful meaning for the Jews. It was associated with exile, judgment, and the consequence of turning away from God. Adam and Eve were banished to the East after their sin in the Garden of Eden; Cain was driven eastward after he sinned in killing his brother; Israel was exiled to the East in Babylon as a consequence of their persistent idolatry and unfaithfulness to the Lord. Therefore, the Magi's journey from the East carries profound significance, representing a movement from a place of spiritual separation towards a place of divine encounter.
Matthew highlights in his account of the birth of the Messiah a group of individuals known for doing the wrong things and coming from the wrong place. At first glance, the Wise Men seem to be the group furthest from God. It is odd that they would receive an invitation to the Messiah's birthday. Matthew sets up a comparison that amplifies the surprising worship of the Magi. He compares the Magi to the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem.
A Comparison: Nearness and Distance
The Wise Men's enthusiastic and agonizing journey is contrasted with the indifference and even antagonism of the Jewish religious leaders. The chief priests and scribes, guardians and experts of the Jewish scriptures, those closest to the promises of Messiah, showed remarkably little enthusiasm or urgency in seeking Him after the inquiry of Herod. They knew the prophecy about Bethlehem, which wasn’t common knowledge among all Jews (John 7:27), yet their response lacked the passionate anticipation one might expect. If they knew the birthplace of the Messiah based on Micah 5:2, they should have known about the “rising star” of Balaam’s prophecy in Numbers 24 that would rule Israel and its enemies. Why did they not pursue this “star” story further? This stark contrast highlights the paradoxical nature of spiritual nearness and distance: geographical, cultural, and intellectual proximity doesn't necessarily equate to spiritual intimacy.
Jerusalem itself is portrayed as "troubled"—a city that possessed the sacred Scriptures yet was ultimately far from the heart of God. The fact that the city’s response is described using the same word as Herod’s is shocking! How can the “holy city” share the same response as this blood-thirsty tyrant? This foreshadows the later rejection of Jesus by Jerusalem's leaders, a rejection that culminates in His crucifixion. The Magi, though seemingly far removed geographically, culturally, and intellectually, demonstrate a genuine yearning, a sincere seeking, which puts them far closer to God than the religious elites of Jerusalem.
God is near us when we are far away. The Magi seem to be so far away from God. They are from the land of exile and come from a group of pagans, yet God is calling them to Himself. The priest, scribes, and “all Jerusalem” have the Scriptures and appear so close to God, yet they are far from Him. The Christmas story is not merely a story of a miraculous birth but of God's relentless pursuit of the lost, the marginalized, the seemingly "far away." It's a story that reminds us that God is near to each one of us, even when we feel isolated, distant, or lost. The question is not if He is near us but whether we seek Him. Are we really looking for Him?
I genuinely believe that we are looking for someone who is looking for us. We long to find someone who is seeking to know us. We want to know if anyone truly wants to know us. This, I believe, is our longing for God. We don’t just want to know if there is a God, but if that God loves us. The story of the Wise Men teaches us that there is a God who is in pursuit of us and is reaching past conventional boundaries to draw us closer to Himself. As a follower of Christ, I pray you will feel and see God’s nearness to you this Christmas season. My encouragement to you today is to do something unconventional this Christmas season. We can get so caught up in the predictable routine that we lose sight of God’s presence. Don’t let familiarity hinder your experience of Christ's birth. Shake it up! Break convention! Do something different!
Maybe you are here and wouldn’t say you are following Jesus yet. We are so thankful that you are joining us during this Christmas season. I want to assure you that God is not far from you. He is not hiding in the North Pole. If you genuinely want to find Him, which I believe you do because you are here today in a church service, He will reveal Himself to you. God doesn’t play hide-n-seek. He doesn’t show up in the ways you may expect, but that doesn’t mean that He doesn’t show up. Wherever you are, He is close; look for Him, and He will show you the next step.
Life Level Application
Head: Read Isaiah 29:13-14 and Luke 18:9-14. Consider how proximity (geographical, cultural, or religious) does not guarantee genuine spiritual connection to God. What does this teach us about the nature of an authentic relationship with God, as opposed to a merely ritualistic or formal one?
Heart: Read Acts 17:22-31. Verse 27 emphasizes that God is "not far from each one of us." What are the implications of God's nearness for our relationship with Him? How does this affect our understanding of prayer, worship, and seeking God?
Hand: Look again at Acts 17:22-31. How does Paul move from observing common ground with his hearers to presenting a contrasting, even conflicting, yet connected message about the God of Christianity? Identify the key transition points in his argument. How can we apply Paul's method of relating to people of different cultures and backgrounds to our own lives? How can we find common ground while proclaiming the gospel?
Habit: Reflect back on Matthew 2:1-12. This passage suggests that God uses unconventional methods to reach people, even employing seemingly "pagan" practices (astrology) to guide the Wise Men. How does God's use of the star challenge our expectations of how He reveals Himself? Reflect on times when God has used unexpected circumstances or individuals to draw you closer to Him. How can we be more open to recognizing God's work in unexpected places and situations?